Case examples of our services

- Business and technology intelligence
- Innovation workshops
- Benchmarking
- Pre-studies
- Strategy planning

Crowdsourcing study
The customer wanted to find out how they could utilize crowdsourcing in service development. Qbitech analyzed various alternatives for crowdsourcing and outside innovation as well as the strategies of the customer’s competitors. As a result, the customer got a detailed plan and suggestions how to proceed in this field.

Business analysis of a new service
The customer wanted to evaluate whether they should enter into a new business area. Qbitech analysed the business case by estimating the expected service revenues as well as CAPEX and OPEX costs for 2011-2015. Based on the detailed Excel report the customer could decide their strategy for the possible new business area.

- Concept development
- Demos and prototypes
- Piloting of concepts
- User studies

Android application development
Qbitech implemented an Android app for Samsung and HTC phones & tablets The app has voice and text communications features and acts as a client for a web-based service created for the customer. The app was created in Java and XML languages using Eclipse Open Source development environment. The customer could compare the usability of the native Android app with a browser-based client and, based on the experiences, decide how to continue in the project.

Testing of Verizon FiOS TV widgets
When it comes to TV innovations, Unites States is the country to watch. Therefore, Qbitech arranged an installation of a Slingbox HD device and Verizon FiOS TV service in USA, New Jersey. The HD quality picture and user interface was transferred via a 20 Mbps FiOS uplink to the customer’s and Qbitech’s premises in Finland. The arrangement enabled the testing of Verizon FiOS TV widgets in real time. The same arrangement suits the testing of e.g. DirecTV and AT&T Uverse services.

Prototype for IPTV search services
Qbitech implemented a prototype of IPTV search services for a customer. The end users could search and browse a program guide, VoD catalog, and YouTube content enriched with IMDb recommendations. The prototype was created using Open Source tools such as Apache Tomcat, MySQL, Hibernate, and XMLTV. The customer could build a production version of the service based on the experiences and guidelines of the prototype.

TV widget development
The customer wanted to have a TV widget to evaluate business opportunities in connected TVs. Qbitech designed and developed the widget with Yahoo!’s Connected TV Widget Development Kit (WDK). Qbitech also tested the widget on widget-capable TVs by Samsung and Vizio.

- Product, application, and service development
- Usability studies
- Piloting of services

Telco API creation
A telco wanted to create a simple API for its infrastructure assets and test the interest of the Internet developer community to create new mash-up applications that have Telco 2.0 and Web 2.0 features. Qbitech helped to create the API and to organize a competition for the developers. The project results helped the telco to further formulate their strategy in the API area.

- Service production
- System integration
- Application hosting and maintenance services
- Information Security
- Network Design

Service hosting and maintenance
A customer wanted to use a server platform environment for a flexible and agile testing and piloting of new service concepts. Qbitech analyzed the server capacity and communication bandwidth needs, acquired the needed systems, and installed them in a secure machine room environment. The customer got a scalable and maintained environment that fits their needs 24/7. The customer has no burden to take care of the administration, as Qbitech provides maintenance and updates on the platform.

Management of ICT infrastructure
Customer: Vuores Palvelu Oy owned by the city of Tampere.
Qbitech acts as the coordinator
in building the ICT infrastructure, e.g. the fiber network in the Vuores area. The customer
capitalizes on Qbitech’s competence and achieves cost savings through outsourcing the varying
ICT tasks, rather than hiring own employees for them.

Outsourcing specialists
A leading mobile video platform and service provider needed help in testing technically demanding services. Qbitech provided a specialist who worked at the customer’s premises as a part of the customer’s development team. The customer managed to start testing the service much faster than by hiring an own employee.
Photo credits ( Salvatore Vuono, winnond, worradmu, jscreationzs, photostock